Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Long Weekend

This was a fabulous weekend...unfortunately, I'm still working on becoming fabulous at documenting these things with pictures!

On Saturday we had my parents' joint Birthday lunch and it was great! I made super delicious and oh-so-easy pulled pork and my sibs contributed other parts of the meal. I'm learning that having people help really chills the day out for me and I don't stress so much. Duh! I think everyone had a good time. Our neighbor did not show up, however his cousin did stop by after almost everyone had left. :)

Makafui did great having our little apartment packed with loud and fun and loving people, but the over stimulation really seemed to have settled in around bedtime. He was super fidgety and restless and just a mess!! It took me almost 3 hours to get him down for the night. The upside, the oh-so-wonderful upside is that after I did finally get him down (at 11) HE SLEPT!!! I fed him at 3. Just 3!! (Since then however, he has decided that the 11 o'clock hour is his new bedtime, but no more 1 wake stretches. Where does he get this?!)

Sunday was another wonderful day. Since I got so much sleep and M was up and happy, we decided to go to the early service in hopes that naps the rest of the day would be on a better schedule. It totally worked! Makafui slept most of the service and only had to be taken out towards the end becuase he was laughing. :) The youth pastor preached and it was such a wonderful sermon, we were very blessed by it and look forward to getting to know him and his wife. Did I mention we've been trying another church? Oh yeah, I didn't because this whole church thing has been so hurtful and complicated and weird. I may touch on it later....or not.

Then, after a nap and some home time, we hit up the pool with GiGi and Pops (and boy do I wish I would have brought the camera!). It was such a sweet, sweet summer day. The weather was perfect, my child was an angel and the company could not have been better. It hit me while we were sitting in the shade, Makafui wrapped in a hooded towel just squealing with delight, that our once tiny, extremely needy, fussy, nurse him 'round the clock, let's-never-have-anymore-kids newborn is now a chill, HAPPY, fun baby. Nice. :) What a great day!

Monday was full of productivity and yummy, yummy BBQ at GiGi and Pops' house. I wish we could have long weekends all the time!

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