Friday, January 27, 2012

Things I am currently obsessed with...

Here are some of my current FAVORITE things...get out your dorkometer...

One of the downsides to living in an apartment is that sometimes you get really terrible appliances! Our last dishwasher was the worst of the worst! We hand washed or re-washed most things. Then, I bit the bullet and tried out the fancy dishwasher detergent! It made a HUGE difference!! It really cut down on the things I had to hand wash and at this apartment, I don't have to re-wash anything. Definitely worth the extra money.
I love a clean home, but I don't always enjoy the cleaning part. When I saw the commercial for this thing, I thought it was ridiculous. I got a free one at Sam's so I decided to try it out. AMAZING!! The potty is always so sparkly now! It really helps with potties in window free bathrooms with hard water, scrubbing the toilet is a total thing of the past. :)

I know I'm waaaay late on the Oxi Clean bandwagon, but I just started using this, so it's new to me! G wears a white dress shirt everyday and at this point, we choose to do work laundry at home (I am open to that changing once Cocoapuff comes, though). I wanted to have them looking nice without using bleach because it's really hard on clothes, can easily ruin other things and sometimes it makes white stuff look yellow. Oxi Clean does the trick! We really love the gel stain remover stick too. I also found out that I can use it on cloth diapers!

I swear that these heart shaped Junior Mints taste better than the regular ones...and the ones with red filling are especially good! I'm loving the special Valentine candies! 
I am also currently obsessed with cereal, but I feel like that's almost over.
And last week, I may or may not have indulged in Sonic's Chocolate M&M Blasts several times (I wish I could delete the 3.24 charges from our online bank statement so that no one would know just how many times this may or may not have happened)...which would bring me back to the freakout I had in the last post. No more blasts for me...just in case. But let me also point out that for pretty much this entire pregnancy, sweets have not been something I really wanted, it's a recent development.
I am also obsessed with my baby and his room! I just sit in there and look at everything! I hope to finish his mobile soon, but my little brother STILL hasn't got me the fishing line I need! Hint, hint....

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