Thursday, January 19, 2012

Feels Like Home!

Here's what's going on...
-I love our new apartment! I just can't get over how blessed we are! This place feels like home already and I am so thankful that we get to live here.
-Allergies or a cold are kicking my butt. I didn't realize how quick I am to take drugs when I'm feeling sick until I couldn't take the good stuff!
-Allergies or a cold are kicking George's butt too. Today, he told me he feels like his eyes are gonna pop out of his head like our friends' dog. They have a Shih Tzu...
I'm not sure that I can say I have EVER felt like one of these! Lol!
-This baby could come anytime! That's so exciting! I'm trying to just slow down and enjoy our final days (or weeks) as just the two of us...even though I am really looking forward to meeting our little man!
-People I love are going through some hard stuff lately. That makes me sad for them. What's worse is, their struggles seem really abstract to a lot of the people around them, so it adds hurt to what's already happening. I wish I could make it better. God is big though and He can.
-I should probably be cooking and freezing food for when Cocoapuff comes. I'm not though. I have George and my Mama nearby! Hee hee.
-I'm just loving life right now! I look forward to what each day holds and to what new joys and challenges parenthood will bring us. How fun!

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