Monday, January 16, 2012

Moved and almost baby ready!

What a weekend!! Moving very pregnant is a challenge, but it was easily surmountable due to the fact that I have an amazing family! My oldest two brothers seemed to actually be racing each other with heavy boxes in got the job done fast! It was so fun to have most of the gang around to help and support us. My parents especially went WAAAAYYY above and beyond normal helping. They stayed all day Saturday and came back over on Sunday to help us. It would take me at least a week more to get done what they helped us knock out in two days. Thanks, Mom and Dad, you really have know idea what a huge help you were!!
I accidentally left the camera at our old apartment during the move, so I have no "action pics"...surprise. I do have a pic of my huge belly though!
 Doing my regular morning stretches...
 We really can't believe how amazingly God has provided for us! G and I keep looking around our new home and have nothing to say but, "Thank you, God!" It's bigger than we had hoped for, has a grrreat layout, beautiful view and is close to G's job. We are still in awe and so grateful. Since we are in a space so much bigger than our last one, it's still a little bit of a work in progress (a.k.a. we don't have enough furniture yet:). I really loved setting up Cocoapuff's room and newborn area. I just go in there and look at it throughout the day and night. :) Dad and G should get an award for putting together the huge furniture!
Ta-da! I LOVE IT!

 We still haven't made the mobile...hopefully we'll get to that this week. His name will go above the crib and when his glider comes, it will go to the right of the crib.

His changing room.

As George says, this is Cocoapuff's second room (which is funny, but not true-this is OUR room!). We have his bassinet w/ changer, bouncer, newborn sleepwear and tiny cloth and disposable diapers all ready to go in the "sitting area" of our room. I love waking up to see this and imagining what it will be like when he is actually here!
Despite the fact that my parents left us with a home nearly completely set up, I've still done a lot today! Unfortunately, because of the holiday, Time Warner Cable and my haircut place were closed. I will try again tomorrow. After I get a haircut, Cocoapuff can come anytime!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

yay! it all looks adorable, you guys are set! i love the nursery, both of them!