Monday, January 9, 2012

Life and Baby Happenings...

We move THIS weekend! I am so excited to get into our bigger place and set up our little boy's room and his newborn area in our room! I can't believe it's actually here. I'm glad I started packing early or I don't think I would finish in time. The messy/boxed up/organized yet disorganized home thing is kind of driving me crazy!! I think this weekend will actually be a lot of fun, we have a lot of help from family so I'm sure it will turn into more of a moving party than just a boring move.
Nine months is a long time. Sometimes it seems like years ago that we found out we were having a baby and others I'm shocked that his arrival is so soon!! He'll be "full term" this weekend so I guess we can expect him anytime. He and I have had several conversations about when is an okay time to come and when is not...hopefully, he's obedient and we have some more time. ;) He continues to be healthy, active and measure right on target.
Life is about to change for us in a huge way. I feel really happy and excited about it all (I do have freak out moments when I'm afraid I won't hear him cry in the night, but other than that, I'm excited). I wonder all the time what he will look like and what his personality will be like. I'm really looking forward to meeting him and will strive to take everything in and really be in the moment. What a fun way to start a new year!

1 comment:

Mama B said...

And I'll remind you about the slow down and take it all in thing. It is so worth it!