Friday, January 13, 2012

Ready, Set, Move!!

It's finally here! I get the keys to our new place tonight and the big move happens tomorrow (though in true Bethany fashion, the closet will be moved in tonight). I am so thrilled about this!! We're really in the home stretch now to be Baby Ready. The rumors I've heard about nesting are true...I have a lot of energy to clean and get things ready (well, for the first half of the day anyway) and I'm really enjoying it. Yesterday, I found a very cool Laundromat and washed our gigantic comforter-that was very important to me.
I was expecting to be miserable these last weeks of pregnancy, simply because that's what I've heard from other people, but I'm not and I'm loving it. There is something so sweet and exciting about knowing your baby could come anytime, but not knowing what that time is. I've been knocking things around and bumping into tons of stuff with my belly, but I'm still really enjoying pregnancy. I've told Cocoapuff that he absolutely cannot come or start labor until AFTER our new home is set up! My Dr. thinks there is actually something to the will of a mother to keep her baby in-she joked that she would see me at the hospital on Sunday. ;) I doubt it, but that would be funny! I hope to take lots of pics over the next few days and be a more interesting blogger-because picture posts are always better.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

good luck this weekend! can't wait to see pictures of your new place.