George and I had a good Anniversary. This pregnant chick just HAD to have snow crab for dinner! I ate an entire pound all by myself!! All that protein and sodium may have been the reason for not sleeping last night. Note to self: next time I'm hugely pregnant and want crab, eat it at lunch, instead of a late dinner. Here we are, most likely last real date without needing a babysitter!
I'm looking (and feeling) pretty gigantic these days! Why I can't crop this picture, I don't know. Why my hubby takes pictures with too much extraneous space, I super don't know. Yes, I STILL have frames leaning against the wall-I need different art for I don't have yet.
Our glider finally came!! I am so excited that it made it here before baby! This is my new best friend and I look forwards to lots of sweet times sitting here with my sweet baby.
We also finished the mobile! His room is pretty much done-his name is even on the wall, which would explain the odd placement of these two pictures. :)
I've really loved pregnancy up to this point and even when I had morning sickness, I still felt pretty good. I've tried to enjoy every moment and savor the time growing this boy and the time we have left as just the two of us. That is a little bit coming to an end now...okay, maybe a lot coming to an end now.
I suddenly feel very huge, very heavy and very, very exhausted. It must be baby time! I'm not even "due" until Saturday, so I feel like a whiney baby. I have a theory why I feel this way though-it's all those stupid week by week pregnancy books and websites. When you hit 37 weeks they say stuff like, "Your baby is fully cooked and can come anytime now! He's totally developed and would be perfectly healthy if born today. Get ready!" 38 weeks: "Your baby is still fully cooked and ready to come anytime now! He's just getting bigger and bigger so that it's harder to birth him and you feel more uncomfortable, you are VERY big now." 39 weeks: "Still no baby? He's been 'done' for two weeks lady! That kid just keeps getting bigger! Did you know it was possible to get even bigger than you already were? Yes, you do feel like a whale, and maybe you even resemble one." 40 weeks: "Are you STILL pregnant? I bet everyone you know was induced by now, sucks, huh? That kid is just growing and growing, hope you're ready for gigantor!" 41 weeks: "Sucks to be you, like a lot."
So you see, they set you up to feel like you're overdue before you even hit your due date! It makes the three weeks from 37 to technically "due" seem soooooo much longer than any other 3 weeks ever in your life. My mom thinks I should start a letter writing campaign against this type of info. I'll start with the blog for now.