Saturday, September 11, 2010

Recession State Of Mind

It's taken me a really long time to finally come to grips with the cold hard facts of our current (and most likely, future) economy. I can finally honestly say to myself that I WILL have to work HARDER for LESS and that less won't go as far as it used to. Wow. That's sobering. Some days it's even sad and disheartening. The only thing that would be worse is being in that boat without the Hope we have in Christ.
As I've struggled with this (not so) new reality, I've searched my heart (and discovered selfishness) about my desires and "worth." Some adjustments have needed to happen. I used to believe that if you work hard, you earn your "worth" and you can achieve your goals and the desires of your heart will be granted (read: you can buy your dream house, drive a nice car and life is goooood). I'm not sure if that's part of the screwed up American Dream or if it's more Spiritual Junk Food, but that's just not true. Sometimes working hard just isn't enough....or it doesn't seem that way. Sometimes, "enough" needs to be redefined.
I struggle with this on a daily basis, because as we all know, I NEED a job! Then I realize, the person who really NEEDS a job is the 40 year old father of 3 who's working at Walgreen's for minimum wage. Ouch. I guess I only semi-need a job. I'm not sure where this entitlement attitude came from, but I'm not a fan. It's's a constant battle. It's really easy to get sucked in. Into the American Dream, into the life-is-easy-for-Christians mentality, into the I-DESERVE-IT mindset. But I shouldn't. Money and a house and a car (and cute Fall clothes) are most certainly not bad things, but the pursuit of them can be.
It is frustrating sometimes when you work SO HARD and don't have much to show for it or feel like you will never get ahead. But it is very gratifying when you change your priorities, wants and desires and realize less can be more.
My great Aunt gave George and me a Couple's Bible for our wedding. It's not just any Couple's Bible though, it's a Bible she and her husband used and wrote in and underlined. It is so great to see the notes and dates next to things. I opened it tonight searching for a different verse, but this one popped out at me (it was underlined in red:). What a blessing.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23
Hope is a good thing. Hope in someone who knows the end of the story...


She thinks too hard! said...

Oh, My Girl! Your words are cold water to a thirsty soul. I have been thinking on these things a lot as I, too, search for work. You really put things into proper perspective. I am so very proud of you for so many reasons. In all my dreaming as a young mother, I could only have hoped for children who would view their world and, more importantly, their God in the way that you do. Don't ever let go of that hope. I love you, Babe!

Tiffany said...

This is good! I find it so easy to get bent out of shape when the money is gone before we can put any away. I got my first real check from the YMCA this passed week and when I saw it in our checking account a bill about the same size had already come out so it felt like my income made no difference BUT it paid a bill! =)
We pray for you and G and all the Browns looking for jobs all the time!