Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pinup girl??

My grandmother (I won't "out" which one) took some really great (and really tasteful) pinup style pictures to send to her man who was a GI in Korea. I have loved these pictures since the first time I saw them! I have wanted those pictures for a very long time. Last year, they made a trip to Texas and my mom had them in a safe place. Last night, they made it over to my place! WOOT WOOT! I was so excited! I can't wait to do something amazing with them...they are small, so I don't want to over power them. I also started thinking, what if I did a re-shoot of the same pics? Nah! I wouldn't.
...but maybe I would. ;)


She thinks too hard! said...

I think you should! Tiffany would do a great black and white or maybe sepia. Nonnie (I won't out her either!) would be so thrilled to see what you did! They are so classy and really quite modest.

Tiffany said...

Umm I totally agree! Who better to take awesome but tasteful 40's like pinup pictures than your own sister?! =)