Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend Recap

This weekend was great! It was relaxing and so much fun!
I really loved seeing G play football in the pool with my brothers-it was so cute! Brothers are great.
The food we ate this weekend was WONDERFUL!! My mom cooked and cooked and cooked! Now, it's back to yogurt and fruit and healthy stuff....
Having Tucker in town was fun too. G was a very doting dog sitter! He loved "Tuckah!" and was very concerned for his well being. They got along great (according to G, it's because they are both black). It was a glimpse of George I hadn't seen yet. He is definitely going to be the type of Daddy who stands over the baby to make sure he's still breathing. :) We should have gotten a picture of the two of them. It was nice, but I'm definitely leaning more towards waiting 'til we have a house to get a dog.
Yesterday we did even more job searching and G applied for several. We're still searching and hoping and praying!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

glad it went well with tucker. i agree, it is hard to have a dog in an apartment. i told jeff i want all of our kids to be potty trained and sleeping through the night for at least a year and have a yard before we get a dog again.
glad you guys had a great holiday weekend!!