Friday, June 18, 2010


My phone interview went well today; it was more of a screening than an actual interview. I have a second, more in depth phone interview on Tuesday-I'm hoping the kiddies cooperate with it and nap!
George found out that he did not get the job that he's been waiting to hear back on. He's so excited for my job prospect though, that it hasn't gotten him down too much. (He even had me try on my interview outfit and took pictures-like a kid trying their first day of school outfit. Too cute! I love him so much!!) We are praying earnestly for some change soon!
The driving lessons are going well! I have only been nervous once! George is definitely on the driving fast-track...if I weren't so protective and cautious, he would be driving us everywhere! And you know, it's really nice to be driven around for a change. :) I'm continually amazed by how many new things George takes in-he handles everything so well that sometimes I forget that this is all new to him!
World Cup continues to be a constant in our home-I hear the sound of those vuvuzelas in my sleep! It's been a lot of fun actually. While I certainly enjoy the games, not the way G does! I'm glad he has this distraction and level of familiarity while things are's a good thing. :) Tomorrow, Ghana plays Australia.....GO GHANA!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

we've had a lot of world cup on around here too.
i'll be praying for you on tuesday, and watching out for george on the roads!