Friday, June 25, 2010


Apparently that second phone interview was worse than I thought! I'm officially rejected. I'm hoping that just means there's an even better job for me...and hopefully soon!


Kristen said...

Ugg.. I'm sorry to hear that. I know there are few things more frustrating, nerve wracking, and totally un-fun than job searching. will continue to pray for just the right position for you and hopefully it will come along very, very soon.

waitingarms said...

Praying for you and George as you both continue your job search. I know searching for a job is no fun and especially in this economy. Do not let the momentary set back make you question your abilities - in my job, we get about 900 applicants for a single job posting - so out of the other 899 who will not get the job, most are outstanding and qualified applicants. When you both are working lots of hours, you will be able to look back at this season with nostalgia - I promise.
