Sunday, March 16, 2008

A mini victory dance and a squeak!

We have a completed application!!
After trying and trying and trying some more, we decided to ditch the whole Ghana Internet thing. I was a little concerned that it wouldn't work to fill out the application here, because we have to print it so George can take it to his interview (I wasn't sure if he would be able to open that type of scanned attachment or if I could get it scanned in properly). So we did it anyway- we'll see tomorrow if it worked and if I have to spend a small fortune overnighting (is that a word?) the papers to Ghana, then so be it. It took me from the time I got home from church to the time I had to go back to church and included the Internet phone complete with headset, not one, but two computers, a mad dash to Walgreen's by my sister to get ink for the printer and help from dad and others to get the silly application scanned into Word. We were not able to get an interview time though, that part of the website didn't seem to be working, so G will call tomorrow, but all in all, it was a productive day and we are actually moving forward. It was also really cool to fill this form out together. :)
And on a random note, let me just point out that all of the visa process absolutely MUST be done in English without exceptions (not even foreign characters for names). However, in the U.S. people can vote in foreign languages and most of our other important government documents come in several different languages. And you know what, that kind of makes me mad-not that we needed anything in a different language, but it's the principal of the matter! Ridiculous.

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