Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Let's watch the phone fly.

I must admit.....out of frustration, I threw my phone, again. I know, it's not exactly the most mature thing to do, but I come by it honest.
I talked to George today and it's quite possible that all of central TX heard me screaming something along the lines of "My country SUCKS!!". Now mind you, I don't feel this way everyday, but I do right now and that's my American right, so I'm going to take advantage of it. The reason for this? Nothing is moving on the visa right now because of that incredible thing called bureaucracy. You see, in order to pay for the privilege of an interview with the consulate, George has to pay the fee at a specific bank in the capital city. Yes, this bank has branches, but you can only pay in Accra. This means George has to take an entire day to go to Accra and deal with this, because paying at a branch would be far to convenient, "easy" if you will, and that's just not the American way! After G pays, he'll get a code as a receipt and will need to then go to an Internet cafe and log onto a Consulate website and input the code. Once he does that, he'll need to fill out an online application, print a bunch of junk and THEN he can schedule an interview. The wait times are at least a week which is right around the time that George has 4 massively important quizzes that he CANNOT miss or be distracted from. So we're looking at the end of the month here before we get an interview. Did I mention that after all this George can clear his schedule, travel all the way to Accra, show up on his interview date and be turned away and rescheduled because the consulate is busy? 'Tis true. And am I the only person who seems to think there is something wrong with this?!

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