G has a work thing and The Dude is finally asleep, so I guess it's finally time for a blog post.
I wish I was taking more pics and videos to post because Makafui is flipping hilarious.
Today, he took the rest of my breakfast, when I said, "Hey! You took Mama's breakfast!" he turned to me, smiled real big and sarcastically dragged out a "Saaaahry!" and laughed and ran away. We can thank Uncle Jon for teaching him that!
He says the most random things just moments before falling asleep. Tonight, he laughed. Yesterday, he said, "Daddy! Babe! Nama peeeeease." (banana please) and the night before, he told me, "Good job, Mommy." It's the cutest and I have to try hard not to laugh.
He learned the phrase Happy Birthday not long ago and often walks around the house saying "Happy Birthday, Jon!"
After weeks of having no clue what a specific word was, we finally figured out Makafui is saying Daniel (Dan-oh). We don't know who Daniel is, there isn't one at church or in his MOPS class. An imaginary friend?
He LOVES to say his own name. We play a game to see who can drag out the MUH sound the longest. I just love hearing him say, "Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh-COPY!!"
At the pumpkin patch a couple of weekends ago he got to paint a pumpkin. He had painted pretty much the whole thing and was just globbing paint onto one spot. Then he paused and exclaimed to the whole table, "Diahyaya!" If you didn't catch it, that means diarrhea. Lovely.
In other verbal leaps. Aunt Tiffany is finally Timmy. Until recently, she was Cake Nuh-nuh...which means Hannah Kate's Nursings.
You will hear, "I suck!" quite often over here, because Makafui gets stuck a lot. Yes, it is just as funny as you think it is.
I'm really loving that Makafui is able to communicate better. He is very good at telling me, "My turn, Mommy," rather than just freaking out when I have or am doing something that he wants.
He sings Twinkle, Twinkle very well and often, as well as Are You Sleeping. He has also started working on parts of What Does the Fox Say...hateee hateee hateee ho, is his favorite part. And yes, he watches that video on YouTube.
Next post, pumpkin pics...I hope!