Monday, September 9, 2013

One Day at a Time

It's been a while since I've blogged. We've been busy being sick...for weeks.

M had an upper respiratory thing that only lasted about 3 days. He gave it to me and it turned into a BIG FAT MONSTER of nastiness. We went to Houston anyway because we miss Jon and Emily and we HAD to get away (it was a great time and  I'm glad we went). When we came back and I still wasn't feeling better (after a week) I went to Doc in the Box...they said it was a cold that gave me an eye infection. Two miserable days later I went back and finally heard that I had a sinus infection and got antibiotics. I'm better than I was but still have a lingering cough/cold/hoarse voice. You know how that makes you fell just run down?

Last night M started up with a fever and has just been "off" and sad all day. :(

We're kind of having a rough time over here. We have never been sick like this and we're not catching a break. M hasn't slept through the night in a month and G is still being a rockstar through this challenging transition at work, but it's still been tough.

You could totes pray for us.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

ugg!! and yuck. i am so sorry, it sounds like you guys have really had a hard couple of months. i said a prayer for you last night and another this morning. hope everyone starts feeling better soon.