Friday, September 20, 2013

Well and Growing!!

We are finally well!! It took 3 Dr visits, 5 prescriptions and nearly a month, but we are finally getting back to our normal! :)

M is growing, growing and changing sooo much!

This week, he has really started to string together more words and speak in sentences. It's so adorable and I'm very impressed with him. My favorites of late are:

Wait Daddy, Mommy's coming.
I do it, Mommy.
Good job, Mommy.
I pyoud of you!
I love-o, Mommy!
Hi Cake, I nice.

He is always very concerned about who is coming. Gigi coming? Cake coming? Daddy coming? He always needs to know who is coming and when. He also soothes himself when we've been in the car for too long by saying, I know, I know. Too cute! Of course, no toddler can say this many sweet things without also saying things like, No! Mine! and Chuchee, shut up! (Chucky, my parents' yappy little left-over dog).

Discipline has been a big thing lately. We have good days and bad days. M has a very sweet and happy disposition, but he's still a toddler! We've been working on figuring out what needs disciplined and do we just say no and walk away or is this a more serious offense that requires more strict discipline? Our small group has started a study about parenting in the toddler years and I we are very excited to learn more!

M has been eating a TON this week which has me shocked since he just went through a pretty massive growth spurt. He will just eat and eat! Like 2 pieces of pizza at a time, 2 waffles, an entire bag of pretzel crisps in two days, a pound of strawberries a's crazy. I think he consumes as many calories as I do.

I'm really looking forward to Fall, such as it is in Central Texas and to the weather cooling off a bit. Boy loves to be outside and I hope we can spend lots of time outdoors over the next few months.

Here's to a change in seasons and taking more pictures and blogging more!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back up and happy to read more stories. Always so much fun. :-)