Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Line in the Sand

I don't think we really drew a line in the sand on purpose, maybe we didn't, but there ended up being one and we definitely crossed it.

Our sleep issues have come to a head. Makafui isn't crying out because he needs his mommy anymore (whether perceived or real). Now, he is a screaming pissed-off baby who doesn't want to be in his dark room. It ain't pretty! And it is certainly not working out very well.

G and I went round and round about what to do. We knew whatever we chose, it would be hard, but we still didn't have a plan. Last night (with little in the way of a plan) didn't go well....at. all.

Today, he had his 9 month check up a little early and his Dr. asked about sleep (I was purposefully avoiding the topic). I told her it was terrible and getting worse and she told me he associates sleep with nursing and we need to change that. In order to get better sleep and teach him to go down on his own she suggested changing his bedtime routine and nursing first instead of last, then patting/singing/whatever it took that wasn't nursing to get him to sleep. Sounds easy, huh? She noted that he was healthy, thriving and had a great bond with me and that he could definitely handle the change.

So here we are. I am blogging while G sings Jesus Loves Me to a screaming baby.

This is not going to be easy. I know that. I don't regret what we have done up to this point, but I do think it's definitely time to work on this. I'm ready. Whether he knows it or not, I think M is ready too. We may fail over and over again, but I hope to be thankful for more sleep by Thanksgiving!

Here goes...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

good luck! you can do it!