Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shameless Plug

So I've started selling Avon. I need to get it out there and get customers. I won't blog about it all the time and have you missing out on my adorable baby...promise. :) Here are some favorite things!

My mom got the 2 week kit to try this out and is totally in love!! She could go on and on, and I now have a great Christmas gift idea for her. :)
If you know me well, you know I love all things Christmas....and Cinnamon is a favorite scent/flavor. I'm all over these $.69 lip balms!

Winter Hands

I can't wait to give this a try! We wash our hands a lot and they just get so dry in the winter. Skin So Soft has a great track record, I already know we'll love this.


mark. is another fave. It's Avon's younger, hip line of products and it's very cool. They have great hair styling products, fun and funky jewelry, makeup that's on the trendier side, skin care for younger skin and even clothes and accessories!

Okay, so that's my shameless plug. Go ahead and check it out and let me know if you have any questions! Click HERE!

Did I mention FREE shipping when you spend $30?!?!

Ok, done.


Mama B said...

I really do love the Reversalist as much as you said. I feel like I look younger, especially the whole baggy eyes, dark circles bit. You go, girl! I admire your hard work and determination. You are that Proverbs 31 woman.

Sue Anne McKinney said...

How fun! I'd like to try the skin so soft products. I'm home sick today, so I may need a little holiday cheer and try to get a little online Christmas shopping done. :)