Saturday, October 13, 2012


One of the things I am learning as a new mommy is to go with the flow whenever possible. It's the whole choose your battles thing. That is why my baby sleeps on the floor. Yes, on. the. floor.

Earlier this week, we were I was having a helluva time getting Tiny Togbe down. I went back to our room declaring defeat and that my sweet and wonderful baby could just cry! G had a bigger more wonderful parent heart at that moment and went in to take a turn. He made a pallet on the floor with M and they laid down together. After a little while, M fell asleep and G left. What? I didn't know this was possible! He's been on the floor ever since. Mind you, he has the most state of the art crib mattress on the market that is made to help regulate heat, reduce SIDS, blah, blah, blah but he would rather sleep on the floor. When I put him back in his crib in the night, he wakes up an hour later. So I'm going with the flow. My baby sleeps on the floor....and wakes in the morning happily playing on his tummy.

In other news, we have successfully weaned him off of Prilosec!! We are so excited to be medicine free (for real this time)!

And here is some cuteness for the day-I tried to post a video of M jumping, but it wouldn't work. Instead, how 'bout what Makafui looks like after my stylish African husband dresses him wacky and has a time with his hair? LOVE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha - M looks cute as usual. I sleep on the floor sometimes.