Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2 Weeks

Today, Makafui is 2 weeks old!! I can't believe he's only been in our lives for two short weeks-it seems longer than that, like I can hardly remember what our childless life was like. At the same time, I remember something we did "just the other day" and I was pregnant, waiting for him!

At 2 weeks...
Makafui is VERY strong!! He keeps his little fists up by his face and it's impossible to bring his arms down. He pushes off of us with his feet and will stand on our hands when we're holding him upright. The Dr. told me not to leave him unattended because he's so strong...I guess anything could happen!
He will not go down for the night before 11pm. He just won't, no matter what.
His daytime sleep is pretty sporadic.
At night, he'll sleep for a 3 hour stretch, then a few 2 hour blocks. He's up and ready to cluster feed and nap on and off-in my arms, around 5 or 6. We aren't really sleeping much around here. :) Edit: after proudly posting that M sleeps 2-3 hours, he had to prove me wrong! Last night was only 30 minutes at a time. Still lovin' life with a newborn...in an exhausted kind of way.
He likes being in the car seat and slept peacefully through our first walk today.
He doesn't love baths, but we're working on that.
He likes to be held by Daddy and Jesus Loves Me seems to be his favorite song.
He eats ALL. THE. TIME.
We had his 2 week check up today and he and I both did better than expected! I was very anxious about the heel stick and not looking forward to it. My mom took us and was great moral support! M did very well and he checks out great. The Dr. had hoped he would have gained more weight by now, so we have another weight check next week.
Head 36.5cm 25-50%
Weight 7lb 15.5oz 25-50%
Height 20.5" 50%
Maybe he's just a little guy. Gigi says not to worry about it. :)

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