Monday, May 3, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!!!

G and I went to Weekend To Remember by Family was great!!
If you've ever thought about going-GO! We went because the opportunity presented itself and figured it would be a good thing to do, especially as a sort of preventative maintenance. We had no idea it would be so fabulous! We were so blessed and learned SO MUCH! I'm pretty much recommending that every married couple I know go!
The group is diverse and the teaching is too. It's not geared to couples who only have problems or have been married for a certain amount of time-it's for everyone. There was a couple there who had been married for two weeks, as well as one that had been married for fifty-five years!!! There were healthy relationships and relationships that were all but over. There were all ages as well! We got so much out of it-so much more than we expected! We were really able to shut out all the stress and things going on around us and truly focus on us and invest in our relationship and really strengthen the foundation of our family. We came home with wonderful tools and encouragement to use now, as well as great things to file away for the future (like how to keep our marriage a priority when we have children). It was funny, engaging, full of biblical truths, and all around well done! We are thankful that we were able to go and if we could, we would send all the married couples in our family!
These conferences are hosted in nice hotels, all around the country, all year long. We will go again and again! I really encourage married people (and pre-marrieds) to look up their nearest conference and try to go-it was that good.

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