Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Life Update

I'm seriously becoming a bad blogger. I feel like people don't care about the boring stuff or I write something really deep or theological and decide not to post it. So here's a quick run down.
George has a job interview on Tuesday! We are both cautiously excited and praying like crazy. It's with a Christian non-profit here in Austin that works with low income and "at risk" communities.
Mother's Day was great! As you know, I love my mommy! We had a small lunch (not normal in my family) at our apartment and it was very nice. We really want to start entertaining more!
We're getting more connected to our church and small group and we feel so blessed by that! We really love our church and have been hungry for some couple friends-this has been a real answer to prayer. Our group is going through Experiencing God and we are really enjoying it. This week was about prayer. Sometimes it's hard for me to study prayer with church people because I feel like I'm the only one who has experienced or is willing to admit that God is silence sometimes and it's frustrating and I just don't get it. I hate Sunday School answers to real life. Thankfully, this group and this study are not like that. The thing that stood out to me most this week was remembering God's faithfulness and calling on your life through the silences and through the hard times and seemingly closed doors. God's call and faithfulness don't go away when the circumstances get hard. That's a tough thing to remember sometimes.
Today I took my kiddies to my mom's pool and she hung out with us as well. It was so much fun! It was very refreshing and hopeful. A great reminder that I won't be a worn out nanny with an ever changing job forever. One day, these will be my kids and we will be happily chillin' with Gigi! (Hopefully I'll have a different job before then though.:)
Oh yeah! Another thing in our study was the physical markers people had in the OT of God's faithfulness. Sometimes God told them to make a marker for the future generations and sometimes they just did. I think that is so cool! I want to try and think of good physical markers (that aren't corny, huge, ugly, or too Family Christian Bookstore) to have for our family. So far, I buy purses or furniture when great things happen (or really bad things happen)-but they aren't exactly things for the generations. Do and of you have things like that?

1 comment:

Nana said...

Actually, I think your blogging is a good physical 'marker'. In the old days we 'journaled'. Your story with God in written form is full of the details of his silence, his goodness, his presence, his gifts, his 'no', plus your response to him.
I also see the people in my life as markers...not exactly what you are talking about, but that's what I see in my life.