Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Settling in and settling down...

G and I both realized this past week that something has changed and we are so glad about it. The stress, the hubbub, the anxiety, the insane planning and generally the craziness our life has been has pretty much settled down. We have stopped planning all of our time together to get the most out of it (like we did when we were just visiting-we even planned 'down time'). It's just great, we are really starting to slow down and enjoy the ride of life, instead of worrying about immigration, being separated or just life in general. We feel like a normal couple, it's hard to explain it, but it's wonderful!
We've also been looking back at what life held for us this time last year. Wow! We were stronger than I realized and God really did see us through...it's funny what you don't notice in the midst of things.
I have had several half work days recently and we have had so much fun! George couldn't swim when he got here-but in the last week, he's pretty much taught himself! I love watching him learn and challenge himself and I'm so impressed with him! (I also laugh my butt off when he tries new jumping styles!) I think we've clocked about 15 hours or more of swimming in the last 4 days. Now that he's been fairly drown-proofed, we'll be enjoying Schlitterbahn this weekend! We are both super pumped about it and excited to hang out with my family at such a fun place!
Last night we went to a minor league baseball game with friends-another great time! It was George's first time to watch baseball and first time to eat a ballpark hotdog! He was really into it when we got there...around the 5th inning however, he announced, "Baseball. It's a boring game." I'm glad we went, I'm also glad we left before it was over. :)
Life is just good. We still want and pray that things will change on the job front, but while we wait, we're going to enjoy everything we do have going for us!

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