Thursday, May 21, 2009


There are no words for my level of frustration as I angrily write this post and contemplate what we can possibly do. George has tried yet again to contact the embassy in Ghana and find out what's going on and if he has an interview. Either they won't answer the phone, the line gets disconnected or the phone systems aren't working at all! I could scream! No one on either side answers e-mails in any sort of timely fashion and I can't talk to anyone until next Friday (if you call before specified time, they tell you to wait until specified time). I hate that we are finally nearly to the end and I am this upset by slow progress...we've come so far! I hate that I'm not more patient. I hate that I'm so angry. I hate that I want to cry everyday. I hate that there is nothing I can do. I hate that my man is so, so far away.
Sorry for the vent, but I think that's what a blog is for.

1 comment:

She thinks too hard! said...

That is what a blog is for, go girl!!! We are all so frustrated for you as well. Just keep hoping. You will not be disappointed.