Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Faith Like Potatoes, etc...

So I just saw this movie called Faith Like Potatoes. I knew nothing about it, nor had I ever even heard of it, but it was the only good thing RedBox had (Yay $1 movies! Boo tons of bad movies!). Anyway, it was just what I needed to see so I thought I would share. First of all, it's horribly amazing. If you're looking for cinematic excellence, highly developed characters and great acting- this is not the movie for you. However, if you miss Africa (it's not West though) and need encouragement (or I guess if you just like corny stuff) -get this movie! It's based on a true story and it's just sweet and God shows up big...which I always like. :)
As for the point of this blog-we are still waiting on immigration news and to find out where our paperwork is and when an interview might be happening. Is it just me or do I seem to say the same thing all the time? I'm trying to have faith (you know, like potatoes;) and be's hard! Sometimes I feel like this will never happen, I hope that doesn't sound whiney, because I'm serious and not just a baby. Soon, I keep telling myself, soon...I need a new word, maybe eventually? Nope, I hate that word.
Speaking of words, I have realized that through this process of continued frustration my language has gotten a little out of hand. So, my goal is to eliminate the word "pissed" well as a few others by the time George comes. Sometimes I sound like I've been hanging out with a bunch of 5 year olds though, one of my new favorite frustration words is dumb-dumb.
A few days ago I realized I feel truly healthy again, I'm back to 100% and praise God that I'm malaria free!
Tomorrow is my bridal shower with church ladies. I'm so excited! Even though we don't have a date and nothing in our lives seems normal, it's nice to feel like a normal bride for a little while. I am really looking forward to the encouragement of all the sweet ladies who will be there. It's easy sometimes to feel alone in this process and I know I will be reminded that there are many people who love us and care for us and are praying for us. I will try to post pictures a little faster this time.

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