His stats from today's well check: Height, 38" 93%!! Head, 39.9cm 67%. Weight, 31lbs 65%...geez, he feels a lot heavier!!
I was curious to see his stats as he suddenly seems to be much taller than his peers and has outgrown ALL of his shorts-his kneecaps are clearly visible in nearly every pair of shorts he has, but I'm not buying more summer clothes in August! Sorry, kid. I see skinny jeans in his future, as regular jeans won't fit his long and lean frame.
He seems so old to me!! He thinks he's getting old too...lately if you ask him how old he is, he says, "I'm six old!" He used to give the correct answer, but not anymore. If you really press him on it, he'll demote himself to five, but he is most certainly NOT two!
He went through a very fearful phase last month, but things seem to be getting better lately. Bedtime was hell for a bit, but some new rituals seem to have helped. We do a "scary check" each night, he recites/chants a version of Psalm 4:8 a few times (In peace, O Lord, I will sleep, for you keep me safe) and now, he sleeps with the door OPEN! I'm not sure how this open door thing is gonna work when he can hear a crying baby or when we move, but for now, I'll do whatever it takes for an easier bedtime. We also talk a LOT about what different sounds are and the things that do scare him.
He is very, very inquisitive and HATES to hear "I don't know." as a response to any of his questions....and he has a LOT of questions. I've just started coming up with any ol' answer lately.
His imagination cracks me up! I just love hearing him play with his toys! He has been taking care of "sister" lately. She is sad and cries, but he makes it all better. Sweet, sweet boy!
He has become even more social. He still loves church and the Y and has no problem being left. In fact, sometimes he doesn't even tell me bye! He no longer enjoys going to parks or playgrounds if he is the only one there. We went to Chick-Fil-A one morning this week to kill some time before an appointment and there was no one there. He said, "Where's Hannah Kate? Where's Big Kids?" and didn't want anything to do with the play area!
Running errands is super hit or miss. Some days, he is very compliant, doesn't mind sitting in the cart, listens and behaves. Other days, it's a battle to just get out of the car. There is no rhyme or reason for which kid I'm going get.
Makafui super needs Man Time lately! It's funny to watch your little boy grow and have him suddenly crave and need something that you simply cannot provide. He asks for Pops and Daddy all the time and if he doesn't get enough of that male input, he gets very aggressive and difficult for me to handle. I am so looking forward to our patch of grass and extra time with Daddy when we move.
The boy has a ton of personality and occasionally enough attitude for several kids...or adults for that matter! His latest demands include:
"Stop guys! Stop!" When people are talking too loud or interrupting him.
"Don't tell me I don't know!" Well, when we don't know.
"Don't talk to my Mommy like that!" When he hears animated conversations, but doesn't understand what is being said exactly. Ha!
"I don't wanna songgggg!!!" In the car, when he is grumpy, do not turn the radio on.
"Don't say mhhhmmm to me, you say, yes, that's right!" The boy easily perceives when he's not getting the full attention he desires.
Yes, he keeps us on our toes.
He has also been a total trooper lately! I have been packing up the apartment, so I can stress less and spend more time with him in our final weeks and more time with Baby in her first weeks. There have been days that he watches Netflix for longer than he should or just follows me around while I box, organize, sort, etc. I'm sure it can be very unsettling for him, but overall, he's doing awesome!
I think one of my favorite things he does lately is ask G about work. George wants/needs something called TQLs in his position. Somewhere along the way, Makafui learned this and asks George each and everyday if he got any TQLs. It is so adorable. He cheers for him if the answer is yes, comforts him if the answer is no and prays that "Daddy gets fibe TQLs!" I just love it.
In the last two days, he has decided clothes are totally optional. Weird. He strips his PJs off in the morning, sometimes battles getting dressed, and again strips his clothes off when we come home. I don't really get it.
He is so full of life and joy and surprises! I am so blessed to be his Mama!!
sweet post about a very sweet little boy!
Sounds so much like J! Love it! Except the "skinny part" we can hardly find any pants that fit him, just the other way around :-D
Love this!! Counting down the days until he is a big bro!
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