Friday, July 12, 2013

What are the odds?

My throat starting hurting all of the sudden on Wednesday night. Yesterday was a very tough day. I am never sick and assumed it must be terrible allergies, but the drug concoctions I was taking really weren't helping. Today, I started to cry when I realized George is working on Saturday AND Sunday which means I have to be ON all weekend, with no help!! I realized I must really be sick, so I went to Doc In The Box.

The verdict? I have Strep Throat!

I have never been so happy to hear those words! That means antibiotics and I should be back to 100% in a few days, but starting to feel better this weekend. Whew. Which means I will be good to go for the wedding festivities next weekend! :)

I have never had Strep and haven't been on antibiotics as an adult. I am just never sick. What are the odds that I get sick, while caring for and potty training my toddler and my husband is working like crazy? Being sick with a kiddo is no fun. Praying he doesn't get it!!

And in potty training news, we are doing really well at home!! I haven't tried the potty thing outside of the house. Makafui had a breakthrough and the last several days he makes it to the potty for pee-pee most of the time! (Oh and in case you were wondering, a bean and cheese burrito and 1/2lb of strawberries is a BAD meal while potty training. If you do give this to your kid, you have approximately 17 minutes to get them on a potty!) I am so proud of him!! I am putting him diapers today because I just can't deal...hope I don't mess things up. :o)

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