Saturday, June 1, 2013

Weekend Ramblings

I quit Diet Dr. Pepper. I know, monumental. It hit me one day juuuuust how many I was consuming and juuuuust how bad they are for me. Thanks to Kristen, when I do want a diet soda, I'll be having a Dr. Zevia instead.

I really want to have a great summer! This is M's first summer as a kid old enough to do anything and I want to get all I can out of it. I think I may make a summer schedule.

Words are great! Our talking machine is the best! My favorite things he says lately are, "Reawy?!" "Ibewightdare" (I'll be right there) "Hey baybeee!" "BAY!" (Babe...copying Mommy calling out to Daddy) "Sauna Hauna " (Shonda Honda) and "peepees".

I knew it was coming, "no" has finally and firmly entered the vocabulary. It started out all cute, "no, no, no" he would say to my parents' dogs. Now, he says it very firmly and with conviction!

I took M to the pool Thursday and there were 6 teenagers hanging out in the baby pool. SIX. Um, go away. After we got there they started talking about jungle fever. Um, I can hear you!

Teenagers are tricky...maybe even scary.

I am sooooo old, I'm sure the teenagers thought so too.

You know who is older though? George. He just started playing on an indoor soccer league and he's in the Men's 30 and Older Division...his teammates are a lot older than just 30. Hee hee.

George's soccer team in called Insubordinate Gentlemen. Kill me!!

I am oh-so-seriously considering giving potty training a try sooner rather than later.

I took a Pilates class this week! It was awesome. Pilates is tricky though, it seems so chill and low impact, but the next day muscles you forgot you had are aching!

I hate baseball and pretty much everything about it...the socks, the pants, the spitting, the blows to the sternum, the Good Ol' Boy culture, the crotch grabbing...all of it. Yuck. I sincerely hope Makafui never shows interest in the sport.

As if anyone "needs" to watch TV, but I'd like a good show or mini-series for the summer. I just finished Call The Midwife. Any suggestions?

G got me hooked on Candy Crush...good game.

I need some good summer meal ideas. I would eat huge salads, fruit and maybe some cheese or cold cuts for protein all summer, but G isn't really feelin' it. Ha!

Tomorrow is my future sister-in-law's Bridal Shower. I'm excited and I hope she loves what we have put together.

Today, my mom, sister and both our babies went out to breakfast and shopping for the shower. Something amazing happened. BOTH children were calm, happy and frankly, low maintenance for the entire. time. There were very few tears shed.

Later in the day, my little family hit up the Quarry Splash Pad again. It was much warmer this time and M was slightly more adventurous. We had fun and I have faith he'll be running into the water on his own later in the summer.

Happy Weekend!

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