Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Picture Dump

I found my camera and there were more pictures I had forgotten to post.
We clearly love sink baths around here...we try to get Makafui to multi-task and clean at the same time.

We've also put him to work mopping.

We went to the mall a while back and it was a hit!

Pleeeeease can I ride?
The first pony he rode had a tramp stamp...I was cracking up, it was lost on those two.
He still doesn't know that if you put money in, these things go around, he loves just climbing on them. Yes...let's keep it that way!

Round two...

Our visitors from Ghana made and brought M this awesome top! He's also showing off his hygiene skills.

M loves Liberty, the other dog, not so much... He had just thrown her a treat and was watching her eat it. "Here Wibby!"

Sink baths at Gigi's are even better! Boy sure does love to bathe and brush those teeth!

Why yes, that is a vibrating back massager he has on the back door. Don't all kids play with those?
 This is one of my favorite outfits, his matching socks have whales on them. Hee hee.

 Mother's Day

Sometimes he goes in the bathroom sink so I can finish getting ready.
 Bubbles are the bomb!
 I love having modular furniture, I think this is the 5th arrangement we've tried. :)

So. Obsessed. Could he be any more adorable and fun and cute and sweet?!

Shirt: Is it legal to carry guns this big?


Anonymous said...

I love those pics! She will too...

Kristen said...

oh man!! these are awesome. he just gets cuter and cuter. the guns shirt takes the cake, haha.