Friday, June 21, 2013

Smarty Pants

Each day, Makafui shocks me with the things he knows!! I know I will forget this later on when he knows even more new things, and I'm sure I will repeat some things I've already noted.

At 16 months...

Makafui counts to 3, usually followed by a hearty WHEEEEEE!

He knows up and asks to go up anywhere with stairs/escalator/elevator.

He recognizes Gigi and Pops' street from his backseat view coming from both directions and starts to yell their names.

He says go and means it. He was commanding a ball to GO this morning (said doe), apparently his ball does not obey very well.

He does not like flies. If they make it into the house he chases them around scolding them, "NO! No, no!!"

He can spot M&Ms from a mile away...sheesh!

He understands what pee pee is, but isn't too interested in putting it in the potty. He will pee pee on the floor, tell me about it and go play somewhere else. Thanks, baby.

He's really warming up to swimming. He will "jump" from the side and has tried to blow bubbles in the water. We're going to try the splash pad again on Sunday, I hope he really enjoys it.

He loves trucks, a LOT! He calls out dump trucks whenever he sees them and fire trucks whenever he hears them. Everything else that's bigger than a car is still a tractor.

He is choosing to communicate, rather than react more and more! Instead of freaking out or going totally toddler on me when he doesn't like something, he tells me that he's "all done" when he's had enough of the car seat, stroller, shopping cart or playing/doing something that he can't just walk away from. It's been so wonderful!! I can usually talk to him and let him know that we are indeed almost done and he'll chill out for a bit until we finish. Running errands has gotten a lot easier!

He loves following directions and getting praise. He's pretty proud of himself. He does well with single commands and can even handle dual commands sometimes.

His kisses have gotten very dramatic and it's super-duper sweet! MMMMMMMwuah! Love, love, love.

He knows candles and herbs smell good (thanks, Gigi, this is a very important toddler skill) he always has to smell the plants and candles at Gigi and Pops' house. The really nice stuff also gets shoved up to my nose. :)

He is obsessed with the dishwasher. He knows how to turn the knob and lock it to turn it on. Unfortunately, he wants to do this about a dozen times a day.

He does not like it when babies cry and tells me, "Oh no! Baybeeee. Oh no!" With a great deal of concern on his face. So. Flippin. Sweet.

Love this sweet boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great. We can't wait to see ya'll and grill out. I was surprised he and 'wibby' are friends. She's not a very nice animal.