Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14

Today, I am thankful for the Internet! It's hard to imagine life without it (though I do remember life before the Interent, something Makafui will never know!:) and I find it to be suuuper useful!

This week alone I have: uploaded cute pics of my baby, e-mailed friends and family, Facebook stalked, looked up recipes, looked at grocery store ads, did symptom searches, Googled about 1,000 different things, shopped for parenting books (and then didn't buy), shopped for Christmas gifts, got art inspiration from Pinterest, cruised craigslist for several things, laughed my butt off looking at stupid stuff on Pinterest, looked up Bible verses, read the news, found out that there are way more verses to Jesus Loves Me than I knew, listened to music, did all of our open enrollment stuff, planned baby and bridal showers, kept in touch with people far away and more!

Seriously, what would I do without the Internet? Our pediatrician has a great site, which I love and has kept me from calling for little things like medicine dosage and symptom questions. I'm also thankful that we have it in our home-we didn't when I lived alone and when G first came, he would job search at the business center in our apartment and then when I came home from work we would go use the free wi-fi @ Chick-Fil-A and job search until one or both of us was ready to cry from exhaustion/discouragement. I digress. Furthermore, without Internet, how would you loyal blog followers (and stalkers out there!) keep up with us? I'm thankful for this little nugget of technology!

Here's some unrelated cuteness for your enjoyment....

Look, Mommy! I DO like my crib!

Just kidding, still hate it.

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