Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 11

Today, I am thankful for the Holy Spirit. Yes, that sounds like a silly Sunday School answer, but I mean it. I'm glad we have the Holy Spirit to "speak" to us and help guide us through life. This week has been wonderful with a few notable hard parts (like when my neighbor came down to check on me because she could hear my screaming strong-willed infant who refused to made me feel pretty terrible, and inadequate, and judged). I've really been crying out to God for wisdom to know how to parent this sweet boy. In comes the Holy Spirit, giving me peace and speaking grace to me. No book or style or other people's experience can know how Makafui Will needs to be raised. God knows though and He's helping me to know through the Holy Spirit (even though on some days I'm not sure we are speaking the same language). Thanks, God.

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