Friday, July 27, 2012

Cousin Time

Aunt Sara and Cousin Sophia were out of town for several weeks, so Makafui was all by his lonesome on GiGi's lap. I don't think he minded tooo much! :) Now they are back and we got a chance to catch up with them this week. So much happens in the life of a baby in 3 weeks!

Makafui's face cracks me up here, he's a little unsure of this sharing thing.

 They took turns holding hands, poking, touching hair and the like, it was pretty cute.

Do you see a resemblance? Is it the cheeks? Are those a Brown family thing, or just baby? I haven't decided. Either way, they are two cute kiddos!

Speaking of cousins, Makafui and Sophia will be getting another cousin not long after M's Birthday in February. Yay cousins!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

cousins are the best!! i had no idea how totally awesome being an aunt was going to be... all the fun of having your own baby without any of the responsibility!
those two are super cute, and i am so excited for you guys that another cousin is getting added to the mix!