Friday, April 27, 2012

The V6s of Life

So I had my Dad's car this week (thanks again!) and it was wonderful. It was very different than my little car though. The biggest difference is that it has a V6. I'm not even going to pretend to know all that that means, but basically, the engine is bigger and more powerful than mine.

At the beginning of the week I didn't quite get it, I just felt like the car was heavy since I was driving it like my smaller car. Then I realized, this thing is POWERFUL!

So in my quiet Mommy times I started reflecting on that realization that what at first seemed heavy was really just power. It made me think about how life is that way, that we have things that seem heavy or even burdensome, but in truth, and if we allow them to be and drive them correctly, they are POWER! I think relationships can be that way. I think circumstances are that way, as well as disciplines in our lives. This week, I'm taking a deeper look at the "heavy" things in my life and searching for the real power in them.

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Just wonderful, my dear. You are so very thoughtful.