Tuesday, April 3, 2012

8 Weeks

At just about 2 months, it's probably time to stop using weeks as his age. My baby is growing up so fast! (Check out the rolls on his legs! Yay!)

This week started out rough and turned out to be wonderful, thanks to the amazing baby Prilosec! Since about his 2nd dose, Makafui is a different kid!

He is happy most of the day now, flashing his cute gummy smile easily and cooing and "talking" to me.

He sleeps now! Two days in on the meds he started sleeping the whole night, waking up about every 2 hours-a few times we've gotten nearly 3 hours between feedings! He doesn't immediately cry when he wakes up either, which is a new skill...such a big boy!

He is very alert and observant and loves to look around and take it all in.

He really enjoys being outside, even if its hot, or too bright or the wind is blowing in his face. We've been sporting the K'Tan and sunhat lately (lame-o bathroom pic).

Bath time is magical. When he does get restless in the evenings or just grumpy and tired, we take a bath and all of his little baby worries melt away. I'm hoping his love for the bath will translate to loving the pool!

He's eating less frequently than before, but it's still a learning process for him...I don't think he realizes that he can tank up now without hurting, I feel like he still "snacks" sometimes when he could really eat more.

Since he's been feeling better, Makafui suddenly seems so much older, like he "grew up" over night! He doesn't need to be held and fed constantly, which means I can do great things like dust! It's been nice to get more done around the house, but the sudden change has also been a big adjustment. I miss holding my baby! So I'm holding him now while he sleeps. We'll work on schedules and such later. :)



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it Bop! I better get some time with him on Saturday!

Mama B said...

Meeeeeee, tooooooo!!!!!

Kristen said...

that is such good news!! so happy that he is feeling better and your days and nights are going more smoothly!