Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Conversations at Bed Bath & Beyond

Lest you think all my fun nursing related convos with strangers happen at Target, here's the latest..

I was at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday, tucking myself in a corner so I could nurse M. I was interrupted before I could start when the turnip truck dropped off a middle aged daughter and her mother.

The daughter kept dropping things because she was distracted by my cute baby, so they came over to us and started in with the ooohs and aaaahs.

The mom asked what my baby's name was.
"Makafui," I said.
"Muh-WHHHHHAT?!?" She shouted, with a twisted up face.

I explained the whole West African thing and it's meaning and we chatted a little more. Then, as Makafui was smacking on my shoulder and drool was dripping down my arm, I said that I needed to feed him, in hopes of politely ending the conversation. It didn't work, instead things got a little interesting.

Daughter: "Are you nursing?"
Me: "Yes, I am."
Mother: "Oh, that's good."
Me: "We think so, he's a champ."
M: "I wanted to. I couldn't with my other kids. With my first, I could have, but my husband didn't want me to."
Me: "Aw, that's too bad. I'm very fortunate, my husband is very supportive." (I'm thinking, that's a little TMI to tell a stranger)
D: "I did! I nursed all my kids."
M: "Uh-huh."
Me: "Good for you."
D: "You know, they say all you have to have is a nipple and that baby'll find it. I nursed. My sister though...{pause, look around, lower voice and stare at me straight in the eyes} she didn't have a nipple, so she couldn't."

Much to my own surprise and without missing a beat, I responded, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Soon the conversation ended, but  my head was spinning. First of all, who strikes up a conversation with a stranger and talks about nipples? More importantly, who says, all you have to have is a nipple and the baby'll find it?? Really, who says that and just one?! And your sister doesn't have a nipple? What happened to it, or them? Has it always been that way? Does she know you tell people this?

People...they're funny.


Kristen said...

haha! nothing like a cute baby to bring out the crazies!

Sue Anne McKinney said...

love it!! amazing the stories you will hear when you stop to listen!