Monday, August 29, 2011

Now that I'm fired, I have more time to blog.

I'm a thinker. I mull over things a lot and just think about things. Things I have observed, people I know, hopes for the future.. Whatever, but I'm always thinking. Now that I don't have a job, I have a little more time to post about what I'm thinking. Here is some of what circles around in my mind.
One thing I have never liked about the Christians I see a lot (and have known) is the whole yuppy thing. Their lives have been completely self created and God fits in a box on Sunday mornings. I have NEVER wanted a life like that! Lucky me, I got what I wanted...on my knees DAILY because only God can help us now! In all seriousness though, that's how I want it to be. People may think we are crazy for just "trusting in Him" and having a baby while in the midst of job issues and not really knowing where we'll live when baby comes, blah, blah, blah, but I don't want a self-created's why I have a relationship with the Creator. I have every confidence that we're going to be okay and our God is going to take care of us.
There's a difference between suffering and going through hard things and b*tching and moaning about EVERYTHING "...for the sake of the cross." I used to know someone who whined about absolutely EVERYTHING-I'm not even exaggerating and she would always add the tag line that whatever she was going through was "...suuuuuch a sanctification process." Seriously. Cleaning her huge, gorgeous house was a sanctification process, taking care of her children was a sanctification process, getting the oil changed on her new car was a sanctification process. You get the point. I really don't want to be that person (but of course, we all have our days!). It got me to thinking; if everything in your life-including the amazing blessings is something to complain about, what does that say about how great you are and sucky God must be doing at His job? Furthermore, when things are truly hard, why can't we just say so? I always left conversations with this woman feeling kinda slimed and down and it really damaged the whole Christian witness thing. I DO NOT want to be like that! Sometimes, I catch myself mid-conversation and have to back track like crazy!
Also, let me just say how extremely blessed and overjoyed I am that God answered my prayers and removed me from that awful, awful job! I am just in awe and am so grateful everyday. I am happy, I feel like Cocoapuff and I are healthier and I'm full of faith. I will admit that I thought the answer to our prayers would be more along the lines of G getting a job and me resigning, but I'll take this too! God answered us and He is moving! As for how insurance is going to work out, that's just a detail and I know God's got it covered.


Nonnie said...

Iam so proud of you and George. I keep you in my prayers. I rejoice that your faith is so strong. I pray Gods blessing for you each day.

Anonymous said...

What a great person you are. I totally agree with your whole post. I'm proud of you and praying for you both.
I can't wait to see your little cocoapuff !
Jeana B.