Friday, August 13, 2010

Weekend/Week Off

WOOT WOOT! I am so excited for the weekend and my week off.
I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my husband and family and for my husband and brother and sister in-law to finally meet!
I'm also pumped for our move. We found out last second that we are getting a first floor after all (instead of third) and we are so happy about it! This time next week, we'll be painting the new place!
Tonight my family is coming over for dessert and a good time. I may or may not have made WAY too much cheesecake dip! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to take care of it.
Here are a few things that made me laugh this week:

I was pounding meat for dinner one night and G was worried about the noise and disturbing the neighbors. So he offered to hold the meat in his hand...while I pounded it...with a hammer. I declined, but it was still funny!

G is also learning some borderline bad habits from my dad. One of them being a burger stop after going to the grocery store. This is what he told me while we were grocery shopping, "You know Babe, I was talking to Dad.....HE said that he and Mom go to Whataburger every time they go to H-E-B.....I think that's a good idea." After verifying with my mom, one or both of those men is exaggerating the frequency of Whataburger. We did get burgers that night though. :)

I went to the mall today with my charges and a friend and her two year old, S. There was a very nice and stylish lady (in the play area with us) who happened to have a shirt on with sparkles across the chest. S was so mesmerized by this shirt that she walked up to the woman and grabbed her in the boobs! Be careful where your sparkles are placed.

Parallel parking.

1 comment:

Michael and Stephanie Whitson said...

I am always careful where I place my sparkles! Anytime you are around kids you can bet that has the potential to be a problem :)