Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Some encouragement...

Last night we went to a young marrieds small group through our church. It was so wonderful! We didn't actually get to the study, because after prayer requests everyone talked and had questions for us! People were so sweet and open and encouraging, unfortunately, I'm not used to that. It was nice to tell the story on this side of the outcome.
One of the things we really enjoyed was hearing the prayer requests and what's going on in the lives of other couples who are just a little further down the road (one couple is going to be foster parents and another are considering moving to East Asia). We are still gasping for air from our immigration battle and the whirlwind of settling into American/married life that the we have trouble considering what life may look like down the road-we're still pinching ourselves that we are together! It was a really great reminder that we will actually find our normal and be able to see what God has for us in various areas of our life. We were sweetly reminded that it really hasn't been that long and the dust really will settle. Really.
George had a great time talking to the guys and everyone was very encouraging to him about his job situation and acclimating to America. They were also very complimentary about his English, which was great boost of confidence. It was just good and we were both so blessed by it and thankful for such a sweet time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that you find your "normal," and want to encourage you to enjoy this ride of "life" as man and wife!

As my husband and I were raised in different cultures ( me-US and him eastern Europe), most of the time the adjustments to living and making a life together have been hilariously exasperating! Then put 2 kiddos in the mix, and it's a blessedly blissful circus!

Above all, if we both weren't serving the Lord, there would be WW III for sure. I found, as I've looked back, after 15 years, that the first 2 years were critical foundation years for us. We had very meager beginnings by choice, and when my husband lost his job last year and was unemployed for 8 months, we knew first of all that the Lord was on our side, but secondly that we would make it because as we remembered the countless miracles that God provided for us. We were living in a tent, as newlyweds, enduring a very stormy season, weather wise, God's protection came time and again. When were hungry, His provisions rained from the sky, and when we were just rubbing 2 pennies together literally, every bill was paid on time.

I say all this to say, that God will make a way if you just exercise faith that is as small as a mustard seed or bigger. He will move your mountains! Be tithers and givers in every area of your life with your talents, time and money, and He will multiply and supply all your needs.

I am encouraged and reminded by your beautiful relationship of the awesomely wonderful goodness and faithfulness of our God!