Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Keep on truckin'

Yesterday I was writing a post about being discouraged. I ended up not posting it...it was yucky and not very me.
Life is truly wonderful in so many areas, but I still worry about the what-ifs. I worry a lot. I worry that maybe my husband won't get a job and I'll lose mine and we'll end up in massive debt and everything will go wrong and then we'll get deported. Yes, it sounds ridiculous. Less so in my mind. I wonder sometimes if the struggle ever ends. Will we ever have smooth sailing? Then I answer myself, do I deserve smooth sailing? I don't.
I remember the first time I went to Ghana (and met my man!!!) things started out a little rough. I was mugged only a few days in. My dreams of this wonderful trip turned into fear and doubt in an instant. I thought it was HUGE! I was ALONE in AF-RI-CA(!!!!) and had been VIOLENTLY MUGGED. Gasp! It was scary, but it wasn't the end of the world. I soon refocused and allowed God to be my comforter and to move forward in the purpose of my trip. It wasn't that big of a deal and only added to the adventure. One of my fellow volunteers commented that I just "keep on truckin" meaning when I hit a bump in the road, I keep going. That's what I want to do. Life is hard, even when it's good and I need to keep on truckin'!
I am worried, and I'm spiritually worn out from our immigration struggle. I know my God is bigger than that, but I don't even pretend to know what the outcome will be or what God being "big" looks like. So the adventure continues...
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Philippians 4:6


She thinks too hard! said...

You will NOT get deported because you can always come live in our guest room! You both are going to find great jobs. Thanks for your post...I reallllly needed it today. I can get so discouraged some days, too.

Sassafrass said...

I remember one analogy that works for me... Think of the backside of a cross-stitch. What do you see? Crazy threads going everywhere. There seems to be NO reason and no pretty picture. This is the side that we see... God however sees the opposite side. He's stitching each perfect little stick even the ones that seem to have the most crazy oddities and contrast but its all to make a wonderful wonderful picture. God has a plan, through each and every hardship we come to learn something or grow somehow. God's got a plan for you, sister and in the mean-time you get cyber-hugs and lots of prayer. Love you.