Thursday, March 25, 2010

Job update, etc.

This has been an awesome week for George in the job area and he is very encouraged! He has a lot of irons in the fire and has had some great face time. Please pray that things continue to go well, especially with UT. We have been very encouraged by this progress and the people God has put in our path to help us. Yesterday, he went to a career fair and several people said they couldn't believe he was only two months old in America! I'm pretty proud.
My job has been kind of stressful this week and I'm feeling really trampled and unappreciated. I'm not sure how to deal with it right now. The up side is that the good things going on with my man overshadow the not-so-good for me. :) Still praying for a breakthrough in my job area and figuring out what to do...
George is learning lots of slang and new words and I am getting such a kick out of it! His new favorites are: Duh! Guadalupe (said with correct Mexican pronunciation) and fuzzy (though sometimes it comes out faggy) he also likes to say, ewww gross! In addition, he is learning about stereotypes and is getting good at pointing out when something is a well as making fun of girls who twirl their hair and say "um" and "like" all the time. Some days are like a comedy sketch!

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