Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The update!

You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wonderous deeds and your thoughts towards us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told. Psalm 40:5

I've been encouraged to update this thing...apparently someone/people read it. Anyway, it's not 2008 anymore and there is so much to say...
2008 was a trying year and I am glad to look back and see that it's over! But more importantly to see that God showed up big for us and that even though we struggled, and struggled and there were times that we/I felt alone in this big world (and that EVERYONE but me was getting married!) God has worked all things to the good. At the lowest of this past year I was without a job thanks to a creepy stalker boss and had heard that G's non-immigrant visa was denied and that he would not be coming and our plan would not work. At the height, I had spent time with my man, we had another plan, immigration papers had been sent, and God had provided me with a wonderful new job in record time (I still love this job and am so thankful for it!).
Then there was Christmas. I'm not gonna lie, holidays without George and watching my adorable, happily married siblings was tough. I had to try hard to be nice...and happy. Then December 27th happened. We got immigration news! After 4 months of absolutely nothing happening the envelope that makes your heart stop was in the mail. We found out that our application had been sent to another (faster) processing center. I was not sure what to think at first, but then I was elated- this meant someone actually looked at our paperwork!
My dad always says that things can change "in a day" and he reminds me of this a lot. I don't exactly appreciate it when I hear "in a day" for more than a hundred days...but it's true nonetheless. My entire perspective changed "in a day" as well. Three days later we found out our case was being processed. Two weeks after that we found out that it was approved! So now we are waiting again, but I have faith. It's not over yet though. The National Visa Center has our application so now we wait on them and we can't get the same status updates as before. But God has been good and I'm becoming more and more patient. I go back to Ghana in March and Lord willing, it's my last visit alone.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26

1 comment:

Mama B said...

Yes, In a Day! We are all so very grateful for this wonderful news.