Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a beautiful day!

Yes, I am thinking of the U2 song, but that's not all...
More importantly, I'm thinking of how truly beautiful this day is- not just because the weather is amazing in January and I will be outside for hours on end without a sweater (bliss!). It's beautiful because I am full of hope, I am so in love, I am blessed beyond words, and I am still floating from the progress of immigration. Wow.
It's still hard to be so far away from George and not really know what's next, but it's much easier when we can see God working. I feel like such a baby when I think about my attitude (and my blog posts) when I don't see God working, how I throw scripture back at Him and ask him "why?", how I'm angry because nothing seems to work for me, how I wish I could be less responsible and run away, how extremely cynical I become. It's silly when I write it down like this, but it doesn't seem that way when I feel alone. I'm so glad that God keeps giving us His love and concern even when I don't do the same. The Psalmist was pretty upy-downy too, and I like that, I think it's God's way of showing us that people are people and He is still God.

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