Thursday, January 16, 2014

Grow, Baby, Grow!!

That's what I've been chanting to this Little One night and day!!

My appointment today showed that this babe is doing just that! Cocoapuff is measuring right on target & has a strong, 186 beat per minute heart rate! Yayyyyy Baby!

That pesky subchorionic hematoma is still hanging around.  We're keeping an eye on it and I've been down-graded to monthly appointments, so that's a good sign.

After a week of misery, I started Zantac & I'm a new person!! I can also start light exercise & lift up to 20lbs (Makafui weighs 28, which is a bummer). I'm excited to work on getting back to some level of normal.

I confess that I'm still a bit nervous about this pregnancy & look forward to just being able to enjoy it. Still praying for this precious baby- whoever he/she is, they're one tough kiddo!


Kristen said...

yay!!! so greatful for a good appointment and that the zantac is helping!

Sassafrass said...

YAY! Praises!