Friday, January 3, 2014

I don't really know how to title this...

We had a very eventful Christmas around here! I have debated about whether I want to post about what's going on or not, but I think I'm just gonna go for it. This is part of our family story and I hope that I will look back at this next year and marvel at how God showed up for us. Also, I'm at the place right now where I will take all the extra prayers we can get.

First, I'm pregnant!

We are so very excited that our family is growing, but our joy turned to anxiety and fear on Christmas Eve. Now, we wait, anxious still, but hoping for the best, trusting the Lord and praying our butts off!

I was not feeling very well on Christmas Eve, just kind of blah. Sluggish, a little uncomfortable and just kind of full in my abdomen. I told myself that I'm pregnant and have a toddler and just need to get over it! So I drank water, got Makafui and I dressed and we headed out to get some treats to take to George and his co-workers.

Traffic was terrible after I got donuts and it took me 45 minutes to get to George's branch. As I drove, I started having really intense pain that just got worse and worse. By the time I arrived, I was drenched in sweat, shaking, dizzy and could not even stand up straight. I called my OB's office and they told me to go to the nearest ER. George heard that and literally drove 90 miles an hour to the nearest hospital.

I was triaged quickly and got back in a room and became a pin cushion. My parents came and my Dad took Makafui and Mom stayed with me (which was awesome because I love her and George had to run back to work so they could close the branch!). After a while, I had a really long ultrasound in which the tech said just enough to super freak me out. Then, I waited to hear from a real Dr.

The ER Dr. and OB on call both told me that I had a large mass on my left ovary, but they weren't positive what exactly it was and that my belly was filling with blood. They both strongly suspected that I had twins, one being an ectopic that had ruptured and the other one being viable, at the moment. Either way, I had to have surgery and it needed to be done right away.

I just didn't even know how to process all of this. At this point, we decided waiting to announce our pregnancy till after the first trimester was silly-we needed all the prayers we could get. My mom started shooting off text messages and I was able to call and text a few people as well.

The immediate outpouring of prayers and support was phenomenal! I instantly felt at peace about the whole situation and was totally calm when they rolled me into the OR.

Thankfully, surgery showed this was not a twin/ectopic pregnancy! I had a cyst that had ruptured and was bleeding out, which was the cause of all the pain and why it looked like an ectopic on an ultrasound. The Dr. was able to remove all of the cyst and repair my ovary and fallopian tube.

Unfortunately, this cyst and surgery disturbed the production of progesterone (which the baby needs from the ovary until the placenta takes over around ten-ish weeks) and put the baby at risk. :( I'm taking progesterone now to help the baby hold on.

I have had 2 follow up appointments since the surgery and yesterday, we saw and heard the heartbeat!! I was so relieved I cried. The Dr. says we still aren't out of the woods yet, so I have to continue with the "light duty" thing.

As you can imagine, "light duty" with an active toddler is no easy feat. My house is a mess, my child is watching too much Curious George, I feel guilty that I'm not being an awesome mom to him, I really, really miss holding him, aaand I've started watching My Big Fat American Gypsy's a mess. That's the major down-side to all of this.

The up-side is how God has shown His faithfulness! First, I'm in America, so I am alive! We are so grateful to have such wonderful medical care, even if it is astronomically expensive. We are well loved! Friends and family are just covering us in prayer and tangible support as well. My MOPS group has been amazing!! We've had meals for more than a week and everyday people are checking on us and offering more help. I am just blown away. Makafui is truly a champ and is coping really well with everything-he is gonna be a good brother. George, as I knew, is gold and this has just reminded me of that! He has just completely taken over- in addition to going to work, he comes home and cleans, does laundry, puts Makafui to bed, waits on me hand and foot and does anything else I ask. I know this must be exhausting for him! My sister has also been an immense blessing to me! Since I can't get Makafui in and out of the car, she comes to get us to take us places and last week we hung out at her house and not only did she wait on me and feed me, she WASHED MAKAFUI'S HAIR (that is definitely considered strenuous activity)!

Each day I am blessed and reminded of God's care for us. Today, I was so encouraged at MOPS that God loves our children, and this precious baby, way more than we do and HE is the one to trust for their wellbeing. Of course, I'm taking my vitamins and meds, eating healthy, blah, blah, but stressing out about this sweet baby is not doing any good. God knows this child and has a plan. God loves me, and He loves this sweet babe more than I can imagine. I can't hold my breath and make everything okay. Only God can make everything okay.

I'm remembering that as we continue to wait and pray and wait some more. If you think of us, please pray for our family and for the health and growth of the newest little Azaletey.


Mama B said...

Oh, sweet girl. Praying all the way through. Great telling of this chapter in your story.

Sassafrass said...

Thanks for sharing it completely! We're so praying each day for you. Love you and the growing A family.

Anonymous said...

I pray that God keeps your baby safe. Best wishes

Sue Anne McKinney said...

Continuing to pray for you, Bethany!

Kristen said...

Continuing to pray for you guys. Peace to you.