Sunday, May 26, 2013

Do I Have a Target on Me?

I think I have a target on me for wakadoos. I've thought this for a little while, but was encouraged from MOPS a few weeks ago to get out of my comfort zone and seek/make friends. SO I brushed of my target theory.

I met a mom who lives downstairs from us. She has 7 1/2 month old twins. We had seen each other in passing, but a series of interesting events kept us from knowing one another until now. She tagged along with G and I on a walk this week and then left a note on our car with her contact information. Sweet, huh?

We were surprised by how much we had in common! She seemed so nice and I was a little bummed to learn she would be moving soon.

Then today happened. She sent me an e-mail accusing Makafui of making her babies and basically her whole family sick! (M had a LOW fever for a few hours several days before our walk, like you know, the way kids do when they are cutting 4 teeth!) This e-mail was HUGE with all sorts of snippets from articles she found online stating that babies with compromised immune systems can be contagious for 5 days after their last symptom(s). She went on to say that they had NEVER been sick before this, that she distinctly remembers M touching her daughter's toy and that since her husband is a Medical Assistant they know this stuff.

Ummmmm. I'm sorry?

For the sake of argument, could it be possible that your MA husband brought germs home from work and WE got them from your kids' dirty toy (I had something nasty a few days later)? For the sake of argument, if basically every childcare facility and Doctors themselves say kids can be around other kids 24 hours after fever, then could it be possible that that is actually the greater and more likely truth, not something you found on Dr. Google? Furthermore, if you truly believe that, then why did you come (uninvited) on a walk with us when you KNEW that my kid had a fever 2 days earlier? Have you considered that they contracted this from their nanny grandmother, or from your dirty dog or from any off the other people you come into contact with on your 3x a day walks?

And really, even IF Makafui were to share a little bug (which is seriously all it is) do you really need to make a federal case out of it? And hasn't Dr. Google told you that children NEED to get sick to help build and strengthen their immune system?!

And seriously, what am I supposed to do about this?!?

I did not say these things to my neighbor, which is why I am now venting them on my's also why I'm not too disappointed that she's moving away.

I seriously have a target on me! Do other people meet, become friends with or find themselves suddenly related to an inordinate number of people who are so socially inappropriate and have such a skewed view of reality...or is it just me?


Mama B said...

No way! I guess you do have a target painted on you after all. I am so sorry but please don't give up. Good friends are so worth sorting through all the wackadoos out there!

Love you,

Tiffany said...

I tend to have a target on me for finding confrontational people who just happen to be SO good at being or doing my biggest pet peeves!

But seriously! What a freak! And so self righteous! Good grief! Good thing she's moving, who does that!?

Kristen said...

oh boy, that lady is going to have a hard time keeping mom friends!