Saturday, February 23, 2013


-Our computer stopped working. After repair estimates, tons of research, dragging M all over town to shop and ending up back at the first store, we got a new one.

-Going an entire week without a computer was very interesting. I had more time to clean and stuff like that, but I didn't realize how much of my life is centered around a computer and Internet. I don't have many books or magazines around the house because I can get it ALL online! I kept going to the computer, which was dead, to do highly important things-like online banking, Googling whether Tyler Sieswerda (local news anchor) is gay or not, and printing directions to places. Oh, and blog-stalking of course. What did people do before we had computers?!

-One thing I really missed was blogging. A lot happened this week and I needed to get it out-whether I posted it or not...the 'not' option has happened a lot of late. I'm kinda mean in my heart sometimes and that just doesn't need to be out there. Ha!

-I feel like we are entering a new era with Makafui and I'm very excited about it! We tried out a rec center this week and he did GREAT in the childcare! I loved working out without having to stop a million times for cups, snacks or toys that had been launched out of the stroller. The pool at the rec center was a lot cooler than we anticipated and Makafui did not like it. We're going to give the Y a try and see if it works out a little better.

-I have a new niece! Hannah Kate was born on Tuesday!

-Watching/supporting someone else through un-medicated labor is nearly as hard as doing it! Yeah, not quite ready for that again.

-My sister's birth makes the 3rd birth in a little more than a year in our family and all 3 were at different hospital systems in the area. I was really surprised by how different they were from one another. I have been pondering and filing away tons and tons of observations and am already thinking about what our next experience may be like and what books I need to read.

-I am writing a thank you note to my OB and our hospital again. :)

-We went to Chinatown last week for the Chinese New Year. O.M.G. Best people watching ever!! The dragon dances were my favorite. Goat meat was George's and I'm pretty sure the fire truck was Makafui's highlight.

-Makafui got sand toys for his Birthday and we've been enjoying the sand volleyball court on these beautiful days. So far, no sand in the mouth.

-Makafui got dissed by someone while we were trying to be sweet. My feelings are hurt. I'm backing off from that person. (That would be one of those nasty blog posts I didn't publish.)

-My mom starts her new job next week, We are super excited for her and trying to get in as much Gigi time as possible before she starts the 40 hour a week thing. She's gonna do great!

-I took the plunge and gave peanut butter a try. M loves it and no allergy!

-After M turned 1 I thought about and really tried to start aggressively weaning him. It was not going great. I've decided to back off for a little while and hope he's ready for it sooner rather than later...I will draw a line in the sand at some point, just not sure where...

-I know a lot of people having babies right now and it's really got me thinking about family sizes and spacing and such. I'm super curious as to how families come to the number of children they have, why they have them, etc. and how much God really dictates that or just allows it to happen. The problem is, those are some pretty personal questions so I can't just ask everyone I know...I want to though.

-Makafui has been a total nut. He has this awesome belly laugh and he busts out with it over the smallest things. I love it!

-I have been lax about taking pictures lately and I hate that. I want to be a great documenter of these precious days.

-On Hannah Kate's Birthday, my dad kept Makafui for 6 hours all by himself! I was so proud of both of them! M has never been left that long! Pops and Makafui slept like rocks that night!

-Cadbury Crème Eggs are out....this is very dangerous.

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