Thursday, February 7, 2013

1 Whole Year!!

My Boy, my Boy,

You have been in our lives for an entire year!! I can hardly remember what life was like before you came! It just seems like you've been here forever.

I am remembering all the little details of this time last year-the days leading up to your arrival, your birth and those early days having you home, being a family of three!

I'm not gonna lie, those early months...okay maybe the first 6-8 months were HARD! Your poor reflux gave you a lot of trouble and you nursed constantly and rarely slept. We were in total survival mode and were fairly certain you would be an only child. High maintenance doesn't even begin to describe your tiny self! Each week got easier and when you weren't in pain, you were a super fun baby...and always the cutest!

Watching you grow and change has been so much fun! You are a completely different person than you were just a few short months ago, I can only imagine what the next year will hold. Here is what you're up to at one year old...

-You sleep!!! Praise Jesus, you SLEEP!! A typical night for you is around 8/8:30pm-6:30am. You and I are both better people with a little more rest.

-You are so very sweet. You still love to snuggle and give hugs and kisses, I hope you never outgrow that!

-You eat like a horse!! Your appetite really ramped up about a week ago. You eat 4 pretty big meals a day and would snack non-stop if I would let you.

-You finally mastered a straw!! We went on a picnic this week and you had your first juice box-it was a huge hit!

-Once you got a taste of apple juice you decided it's waaay better than water! at a play date this week, you stole a little girls cup (it was apple juice) and drank it dry in no time. Let's work on that.

-You are OBSESSED with dogs! Anytime we see a dog, you kick your legs, flap your arms and squeal with delight. It just doesn't get old for you.

-You still love to read. You let me turn the pages, but if I'm too slow you take that job back.

-You got to watch TV for the 1st time this month. You loved dancing with Beyonce during the Super Bowl half-time show. It was the highlight of the Super Bowl for me.

-You stayed in the nursery at MOPs for the entire 2 1/2 hours and did great!! I was so proud of you!

-You have started getting your own meal when we eat out-sharing with Mama just doesn't cut it anymore.

-Grapes and string cheese continue to be your favorite foods.

-After many tries, you finally like eggs. Bananas are still a no-go.

-You are cruising from furniture to furniture and stand up on your own. I think you could walk if tried, but you won't try.

-We played at the park a lot over the last couple of weeks and you went down the slide all by yourself!

-You don't really like swinging anymore.

-You love the new (cheap) jogging stroller WAY more than our fancy city stroller. I guess you keep Mommy motivated to exercise. ;)

-You are all over the technology-phones, computers, want it!!

-You talk a lot and I love it. Diaper is a new favorite word, you can now growl, and are mastering your other animal sounds and can nod yes or no on command and alternate your clapping and blinking skills. It's very cool. You also talk in your sleep, it's pretty funny.

-You are one goofy, goofy guy! You have us laughing all the time and you know you are funny!

-Daddy taught you the "trust fall" this month and you have been giving it a go a lot. This makes Mommy verrrry nervous. You love to fall on the new soft couches.

-Gigi and Pops are your good, good buddies and you are always so excited to see them at church.

-You continue to be such a sweety to Cousin Sophia, you even shared your food with her the other day!

We love watching you grow and learn and we love you so, so much! Things have gotten noticeably easier lately and you are truly a delight! Maybe you won't be an only after all....

Pondering his fave lyrics. Shirt says, ROOTS, ROCK, REGGAE DIS MAKAFUI MUSIC

Happy Birthday my precious boy! I love you so so much!!


Mama B said...

Happy, happy birthday to our sweet baby Makafui! We love you so much!

Kristen said...

happy happy birthday makafui!! we think you're the coolest and can't wait to watch you through the toddler years!