Monday, September 5, 2011

All sorts of things...

It's time for a Cocoapuff update and a life in general update.
Cocoapuff has "popped" as they say and I'm now sporting a little baby belly. None of my sized clothes fit-none, so I am officially into maternity clothes, even though they are a little big. Now of course I'm excited about this because it means our baby is growing and my maternity clothes are super adorable. George, on the other hand is ecstatic about the baby bump!! He enjoys pointing out how "huge" my stomach is. He LOVES to see that our baby is growing and is so excited about every little change. He tells me all the time how much he loves watching my belly grow and how fun it is when your wife is pregnant-it is truly sweet!
Now that I'm not working full time, I have gotten back to the gym regularly and I love it! I just feel better about the day when I've gone to work out, and if I reeeeally want to eat something that maybe isn't 100% healthy, I feel better about that too.
The break in the heat is a VERY welcome surprise! It only got to about 90 today and it was wonderful! I went on a long walk, opened the windows in our apartment and really enjoyed cleaning with the breeze coming in. I can't wait for Fall!!
These fires are INSANE! I feel like all of Central TX is on fire! I feel bad for the misplaced families and for the hard working firefighters. One day, I hope I can have a big house and host people who need a place to stay.
I'm really hoping that I don't have to postpone our sonogram due to the whole insurance thing...I want to know who this baby is! There are no updates on insurance coverage or jobs, but we're still keeping the faith.
Even though things aren't perfect and we certainly have some needs right now, I am really loving life! So thankful for my man and my family!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

i am so excited for this little baby! what an amazing family to be born into! i hope you are taking plenty of pictures, it is fun to look back and see the changes. also, a friend of mine went to get a free ultrasound at an ultrasound tech training program at ACC... i'll see if i can get the info on that and send it your way.